Pre-Season Practice Schedule
Boys' Soccer
October 16th-November 13th, 2000
Every player is expected to be at ALL practices. If you are unable to attend, make sure that you communicate with Coach West PRIOR to missing a practice. ALL pre-season practices will be held at the East Campus field.
October 16 Monday 6:00 pm
17 Tuesday 7:00 pm
23 Monday 6:00 pm
24 Tuesday 7:00 pm
26 Thursday 5:00 pm
30 Monday 6:00 pm
November 2 Thursday 5:30 pm
4 Pre-Season Jamboree @ Clinton TBA
6 Monday 6:00 pm
7 Tuesday 6:00 pm
9 Thursday 5:30 pm
13 Monday 6:00 pmCheck back to see updates in schedule and additional practice time.